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A long wall inside AAHS with art painted by students.

Arts Integrated Pathway

AAHS believes the arts are essential. An education in the arts teaches students critical thinking, information literacy, invention, collaboration, and self-direction. Read more about our approach to arts.
An AAHS student stands in front of a light aircraft.

Aviation Pathway

Welcome to the exciting world of aviation, where dreams take flight and possibilities soar to new heights! Air Academy's Aviation Pathway is a dynamic and innovative program designed to ignite the passion for aviation in young minds. Whether you dream of piloting aircraft or yearn to design and fly drones, this pathway is the ticket to your future in the Aviation Industry. Find out more about the Aviation Pathway.
Rows of computers and students in a Digital Media class.

Digital Media Pathway

We encourage students develop their creativity and technical expertise in the digital arts. Students acquire skills utilizing a variety of industry-standard software and hardware and participate in real-life experiences in digital media production and problem solving. More about the Digital Media Pathway.
The AAHS Engineering space.

Engineering Pathway

Engineering is problem solving, plain and simple.  However, how you solve the problem requires information, analysis, and the ability to see where the problem lies. Get the details on our Engineering Pathway.
The Seal of Biliteracy logo.

World Language Pathway

Air Academy encourages all students to engage in learning another language and offers more levels of more world languages than any D20 high school. Students taking a world language at Air Academy can expect a proficiency-oriented experience in their world language classes where interpretive, presentational, and interpersonal language use is emphasized. Learn more about the World Language Pathway.