AAHS World Language Courses
American Sign Language (ASL) 1-4 (Concurrent Enrollment Credit available for upper levels)
French 1-4, Advanced Placement (AP)French Language
German 1-4, Advanced Placement (AP) German Language
Spanish 1-4, Honors Spanish 5 (Conversational), Advanced Placement (AP) Spanish Language, Advanced Placement (AP) Spanish Literature
Seal of Biliteracy
All language learners (heritage and newer learners) are encouraged to apply for the Colorado Seal of Biliteracy for high school diplomas. This seal recognizes and honors students who have attained proficiency in two or more languages by the time they graduate high school. The ability to read, write, and speak/sign in multiple languages provides a marketable advantage with colleges, universities, and competitive job markets.
Heritage Language Support
Air Academy is proud to support and encourage new and heritage language learners by offering STAMP tests for a variety of heritage languages. To apply for the Seal of Biliteracy at Air Academy:
Review requirements above
Speak with your guidance counselor - especially if we need to schedule a STAMP test for you for a language you speak that we do not offer at AAHS
Students who meet all the requirements and complete the steps above, receive a cord for the Seal of Biliteracy and special recognition on their diplomas. Some colleges and universities may also accept your Seal as evidence of proficiency in post-secondary language classes.