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The NAHS charge to its members is to “take of the world its colors and forms, its lines and textures, its balances and movements and spaces; combine all these into a beautiful statement of what it is to be human. Give back to the world the same element of beauty that you as an artist take from it. Create beauty in the world with your talents and your living.”

To that end, Elise Kretschmer (junior) and her NAHS leadership motivated the team to come up with artwork concepts for the B Building hallways. Team members interviewed staff with classrooms in B Building and determined that there was an interest to create a math/science intersection. Artists were given several weeks to propose their concepts. Three different concepts were so strong that the team decided to create three murals. The teams worked together to complete the murals in a one month timeframe, spending 6-8 hours on three different Saturdays and working during the asynchronous testing days in April. Students and teachers are delighted with how the murals turned out and how well they are being received.