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Air Academy High School has some of the finest and most inclusive clubs. One of the clubs that gets the most recognition is the National Honor Society (NHS). NHS is a nationwide organization that focuses on high school students that meet academic standards consistently throughout the school year. One of the main focuses for the 2023-2024 school year is for NHS members to reach out to the community to help volunteer for those who are in need. 

“Being in NHS is very important for college applications and overall academic records. It also helps promote academic scholars,” senior NHS officer Jaime Pyrtle stated. 

This year’s NHS officer team is composed of leaders who are actively involved in their community and want to see a true change in their impact. 

“I love this year’s officer team. I definitely think that it’s composed of hard and passionate workers who want to trulyhelp the community. The main reason I joined, though, is to get out into the community and help others in need, but also to put it on my transcript for colleges,” Pyrtle continued.

One of the main goals for members of NHS is to complete upwards of 30 hours of community service for a non-profit organization. NHS has raised more than $36,929 so far in the school year for economic growth. 

“I am very impressed with how much money we have raised so far, and as for me I have been volunteering at the Rocky Mountain MS Center and the KADEP to help disabled seniors,” junior Ramah Khammash stated. 

Many students try to complete their hours over the summer, so the stress of school does not conflict with their volunteering schedule. 

Alongside volunteering, many students have a number of reasons for joining NHS.

“I joined NHS to grow as a servant leader in my community. Being in NHS helps serve the community which is primarily why I wanted to join. I love working with other people and getting to know them,” senior Morghan Dougherty said enthusiastically. 

Every year NHS has the opportunity to sponsor a local non-profit organization. While the votes have yet to come in for what this year’s charity will be, many students have strong opinions on what it shouldbe. 

“I think we should do the Bryson Chase Foundation because it is a unique foundation from years past, and helps the kids in our community which is very important to me,” Dougherty continued. 

The Bryson Chase Foundation was a highly picked foundation among members. Also in the running were organizations such as Care and Share, No Hound Unhomed, and The Place which are incredible, highly successful organizations here in Colorado Springs. 

“Whatever the charity that NHS chooses to sponsor, I know we will do it justice because I know for a fact that this year’s group of seniors and juniors have a work ethic like no other,” senior Dominic Jennings said confidently. 

There are over 100 members participating in NHS currently, and with incoming numbers of upwards of 60-70 students each year, NHS has a bright future for continuing leadership in the community. NHS is a very enticing club to join at Air Academy mainly because of the atmosphere and the work done consistently throughout the year. This school year should be remembered for all members of NHS doing astonishing work in the community, positively reflecting the culture here at Air Academy High School.

~Madison Chidester