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From teaching students about cell mitochondria to performing in-class cat dissections, the work of human anatomy and biology teacher, Alison Kelly, is quite phenomenal. Yet, the true dedication of Kelly often goes unnoticed amongst students and staff members.

To provide some background, Kelly obtained her bachelor’s and master’s degree from Western Governors University where she studied biology. Attending this university not only fueled her passion for learning, but also sparked her interest in teaching. By interacting one on one with her peers, Kelly was able to fuel her love for teaching through tutoring.

“Teaching is an opportunity to really influence people in a good way. I choose to teach because I can do that every day, multiple times a day,” Kelly stated. 

Considering her experience in the field, students were asked how they feel about her unique teaching style. Senior Joseph Brock expressed his opinions on the matter and shared some inspirational insight.

“Mrs. Kelly is the best educator for any type of student. Her brilliant mind and passionate teaching style has been highly transformative for the students at AAHS, when considering the high level of engagement and success in her courses,” Brock commented. 

Kelly’s enthusiastic nature has led to her ongoing popularity at AAHS with both under and upperclassmen enrolling in her courses. Her ability to develop interpersonal relationships with her students has allowed for tremendous engagement and positivity. 

“I love how Mrs. Kelly is really loud and goofy without holding back or acting self-conscious. She owns her enthusiasm and uses it to help students stay engaged. She doesn’t shy away from topics that have the potential to be awkward or uncomfortable, which makes them that much less awkward or uncomfortable!” senior Lily Rottenborn exclaimed.

Kelly is able to be more personal and involved with her students by not shying away from uncomfortable topics.

“Her lectures feel like a conversation rather than a lecture, making the class more immersive and engaging,” junior Sophie Unsell noted.

By ensuring students comfort level, Kelly is able to teach lessons in a fun, yet effective manor. Not only is this beneficial for learning, but it also enables a positive classroom environment where students can thrive. In addition to a positive classroom, Kelly prioritizes student opinions in order to make her classroom a more effective learning space.

“I listen to my students and their concerns. I use their feedback and input to better my lessons. People aren’t afraid to ask for help from me,” Kelly remarked.

Not only is Kelly an incredibly relatable teacher, but she also is highly supportive and sociable.

“I like that she controls the class well by maintaining respect and friendship with her students. I think she’s really well-liked due to her easy-going nature, and her class is hands-on and organized,” Rottenborn expressed.

As Rottenborn noted, Kelly’s work affects students of all backgrounds on a positive level. Through the remarkable efforts of Kelly, the environment at Air Academy High School is elevated to new heights. 

“Mrs. Kelly is the best science educator for any Kadet…Mrs. Kelly is the superstar of our Science Department,” Brock concluded.

Ultimately, having a teacher like Ms. Kelly that all students can count on as both a strong leader and support system benefits everyone at Air Academy.

~Savannah Braden