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This year Air Academy DECA wanted to come up with a way to show off school spirit, advertise their clubs, and help raise money for DECA students. Kadet Enterprises is a new business being introduced here at the school. This business will be selling T-shirts to any of the student who are in a club featured at Air Academy. 

Run by DECA, Kadet Enterprises’ t-shirts are produced by the driven and talented students here at Air Academy with the goal of helping give other clubs a special artifact.

While helping some clubs get closer to the goal of getting more people to join them, it also gives comfort to the people already in the club, making them feel special and pushing them and giving them an opportunity to become a closer group as a whole.

“It adds a sense of belonging to the group’s exclusivity,” sophomore Devin Doster stated. Doster also participates in the Japanese club here at Air Academy. 

Although this business is new to Air Academy, many students and clubs are already getting involved in launching of the T-shirts. Members are ready to show off and bring more attention to their club.

On top of getting new t–shirts many advantages come along with the tees. It will get students to feel more connected with the clubs featured at the school and will shed light on some clubs that may not get talked about or noticed as much.

The t-shirts also give students who may be less fortunate an opportunity show off amazing Kadet pride or offer something to wear on spirit days. Many students do not always participate in clubs or sports at the school. Therefore, Kadet Enterprises offers a fun opportunity for students to participate in school spirit, increasing Air Academy’s overall morale. 

“The t-shirts can bring more spirit to our school and help the people who might not have anything for school on spirit days,” senior Alana Hubbard stated. 

With a lot of different types of clubs to pick from, the shirts are a big way to show off the awesome ideas or feelings the club may bring to students. The majority hope that this new opportunity bring awareness and encourage other students to see the shirt and want to join their club.

Last year the Marketing teacher, Mrs. Johnson, made a trip to DCC. She made the decision to bring Kadet Enterprises to Air Academy to fundraise for the trips DECA will take through the school year.

“I think these trips can really help apply the skills we learned in the classroom to real world examples, and I think these trips are really good learning experiences for other students too,” senior, retail director for Kadet enterprise, Addison Keady claimed. Ryan Coursey, a student in Marketing 2 and Creative Marketing, also said, "Kadet Enterprises is a good opportunity to learn more about what it takes to start up and run an actual business."

Air Academy’s school spirit is essential, and students love finding new ways to show it. Planning to eventually open up the shop to all students, DECA is happy to help other clubs at AAHS show off their individual pride. With the t-shirts being offered to them, it is the perfect way to start off the new school year.

~Arianna Hess