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Air Academy High School (AAHS) has brought a new addition to the math department! Give a warm welcome to Jody Jones, or Mr. Jones as he is  known to his students. Mr. Jones has worked in education for 23 years, along with being very active in his home life.

Prior to his position now as an Algebra 2 teacher, he was the Dean of students at Liberty High School for two years. Mr. Jones' teaching style reflects very similarly to him as a person. His character could be described as very kind and patient. Mr. Jones likes to connect personal stories or bits when teaching his math lessons to real life and grab their attention.

“I really liked how he didn’t do the icebreakers that the majority of teachers do. He just dove into it, and it really showed his personality. Also something I really liked and stuck with me is when he said ‘I’m not just a teacher teaching you. We are all learning in this room,’” junior Branson Schmitt stated. 

 Mr. Jones both outside and in the classroom cares for people with a lot of patience.  Students have described his classroom to be “welcoming” and “inclusive.”  He could be the teacher that bosses his students around and pumps information into them, yet Mr. Jones welcomes his students to ask the questions and become lively in the classroom.

“My experience at Air Academy so far has been really good. I have found that when I ask a student to do something here they typically will do so. In the past I have had to coerce a student to do the task or homework given,” Mr. Jones explained.

AAHS students have been active and motivated in his classes which has helped improve Mr. Jones' experience as a whole. Kadet morals are a huge part of how AAHS runs. Greeting a teacher with respect and attentiveness goes a long way, and overall reflects the type of students that AAHS expects.

“Coming into Mr. Jones class at the beginning of this school year I felt very welcome and comfortable. He has always been very supportive and hopes the best for his students,” junior Amiah Wilson-Damerall expressed.

Mr. Jones has created both an impact within and outside of his classroom with both his welcoming and positive energy.

“I have been a math teacher for about twenty years.  The last two years, I was a dean for certain grade levels at Liberty. Obviously there are some students that aren’t doing what they are supposed to, but overall I have found when giving students lenience to make their own decision it gives them room to develop and grow into their own person,” Mr. Jones shared.

Mr. Jones has so far made a large impact on his students both academically and overall, adding light to their day. While math isn’t everyone’s favorite subject, Mr. Jones still finds a way to put a smile on students’ faces while they learn. 

Teachers’ impact on students is a huge part in how students are able to learn. Having an involved teacher that will push students to excellence like Mr. Jones does directly impacts student understanding. Swing by room 202 in B building to give Mr. Jones a personal welcome to the Kadet crew!

~Versais Marken